Why Utterly

Why We Work
With SLP's

We understand that SLPs face unique financial challenges. Our goal is to make sure you are taking advantage of every opportunity and position yourself for an exceptional retirement.

Association Benefits

Are you efficiently using all the benefits offered by ASHA, your state ASHA chapter and other member organizations?

Employment Type

Have you identified the pros and cons of being a w-2 employee, independent contractor or private practitioner?


This is where we come in. Our process uses proven concepts and applications to help you become better educated, prepared and organized for financial success.

Team of Professionals:

Did you know there are professionals geared to working with SLPs and can help you with business functions like marketing, accounting and practice management?


Online communities. Blogs. Podcasts. There are endless outlets that offer free mentorship, materials and opportunities to collaborate.

The Behind The Scenes Force

You will leave your practice at some point, voluntarily or otherwise…Do you have a plan?

Founder & Financial Advisor

Craig M. Goldslager,

I’m married to speech pathology. Literally.

As the husband of a practicing SLP, I know the practice and business landscape of Speech Pathology is constantly changing. So, too, have the financial implications of being an SLP. Utterly Financial was created to help Speech Language Pathologists and Private Practice Owners plan for an exceptional retirement. Our team has uncovered  retirement planning mistakes that SLPs routinely make, and made it our mission to prevent you from making those same errors.

Since launching Utterly Financial, I’ve contributed to industry events and publications including the national ASHA and AAPPSPA Conferences, ASHA Leader Live, state ASHA chapters and many universities around the country.

I’m a proud graduate of the University of Miami Herbert Business School and received a Master of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University.  I also hold the Certified Exit Planner (CExP™️) designation which exemplifies my commitment to helping private practice owners strategize the ideal departure from their businesses on their terms.

When I’m not helping SLPs around the country fulfill their retirement dreams, you can find me spending time with my favorite SLP, my wife, Lauren. You can find us running around after our two children and all-over South Florida taking advantage of the outdoor activities in our tropical paradise.

We Help You Answer The Hard Questions

You will leave your practice at some point, voluntarily or otherwise…Do you have a plan?

CExP™️ Professionals

The Certified Exit Planner (CExP™) designation serves as the foundational knowledge for creating your exit plan. Exit planning is a comprehensive strategy that allows you to leave your practice when they want, for the money they need and to whomever you choose.

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We Are Life-Long

As the globalized economy continues to evolve, a successful retirement strategy from 20 years ago may not be the appropriate strategy 20 years from now.

We routinely review evidence-based research to learn about new theories, products and strategies to put you in the best possible position for an extraordinary retirement.